
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mikkeller Brew News

Herra Huurteinen

As a gypsy-brewer Mikkel travels a lot. One of his many journeys took him to the Finnish city Mikkeli.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do, and when in Finland do as the finns, so Mikkel went to the nearest sauna. Here Mikkel met former weapons dealer Timo Vuoppola.

Even though Timo has vast amounts of body hair, Mikkel could not help but notice that Timo had three testicles.

Timo and Mikkel start talking. Timo tells that his father built nuclear power plants in former USSR. 'That is the reason for this deformity' Timo says and points to his groin. 'Here in Mikkeli I am known as Triple Timo, Timo Three-Balls or simply TB.

TB tells Mikkel that the job as an arms dealer led him round all of Europe – among other places to Düsseldorf where he tasted an Altbier that he really liked for the first time. That story becomes the beginning of a long talk about beer. That night Mikkel ends up in Timo's home and together they consume a substantial amount of Timo's Altbier stash.

Meeting Timo made a lasting impression on Mikkel, which made it only natural for him to brew an Altbier especially for the Finnish market. As a tribute to Timo, a hairy finn with three testicles and a heart of gold.

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