
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Flavorability Is Drinkability

Whether in print, on the tellie, or out of someone's mouth, almost everyone knows the marketing catchphrase "drinkability". Specific to Bud Light, the simple yet catchy phrase (hence, catchphrase) is applicable in general terms to most standard and light lagers renowned for their homogenized sameness.

For drinkability as they mean it, unoffensive bland cold liquid refreshment does the job, but then, so does water. After all, it tastes great and is less filling (catchphrase #2), but then again, so does water. Hm, I sense a recurring trend here...

Marketing a brand instead of the actual product builds blind faith in the brand, which consumers in turn embrace as a badge of loyalty and personal identity. Blind trials have proven time and again that brand-loyal consumers of standard and light lager cannot taste the difference. This being the case, drinkability has nothing to do with the beer itself, but instead focuses entirely on marketability and branding.

So, just what is drinkability?

Quite simply, real flavorability is true drinkability, and vice-versa. As infinitely diverse and beautifully eclectic as the people who drink them, so too is the flavorability of beer and the drinkability it creates unique to the person(s). The key difference is that flavorability for drinkability doesn't focus on a homogenized demographic of millions, but instead celebrates the diversity within and the endless opportunities they offer.

Ask a random standard (light) lager drinker what their beer tastes like and the answer will usually run the gamut of crisp, light, refreshing, and, my personal favorite, beer. Bzzt! There is no "beer" flavor unless, of course, one is referring to the lack of flavor, aroma, mouthfeel, and personality, all of which has been economized out. Ask a drinker of any other beer what the beer tastes like and their answer will be as exuberantly eclectic and varied as the beer (or beers) they are drinking.

As diverse as the persons who drink them, flavor is always what determines our individual enjoyment our favorite liquid imbibement: Beer. At least, it should be, and for generations, cultures, and countries past it was, and for many, it still is.

I enjoy a good lager or pilsner as much as the next, but I enjoy them for their richly roasted, proudly hopped, and carefully lagered aromas, flavors, and differing appearances.

Marketing is a helpful tool, but it should only be a tool to effectively bolster and support a product which can also stand on its own. Drinkability for the sake of wet liquid refreshment is no different than water for the sake of wet liquid refreshment. I'd rather savor a glistening glass of water, beadlets sparkling on the outside of my glass, than a watery product that marketing is trying to pass off as beer. Water tastes better (no head-ache, no half-empty bottle abandoned for a freezing-cold fresh one), and if the argument is for inebriation, why not hit the liquor instead.

Quality will always best quantity, though fortunately and unfortunately, quantity will always be around to best. But if you take the time to step away from the false glitz and glam of shallow satisfaction, you may just find an amazing new flavor to set you aflame with life and awareness like no other. Flavorful beer warms the heart, body, and soul while soothing aches and pains, silencing the day's worries, and bringing people together in social merriment.

No cheap gimmicks, snappy marketing, or hokey fads need apply, unless, of course, the beer within is worthy of such highly heralded greatness. But then they aren't cheap or hokey, though maybe a wee bit snappy. Instead, I have just what I need: the beautiful pleasure of drinking beer that appeals to my person throughout the years and wherever in life I may be.

(an original written work by Kristyn Lier. plagiarism is not tolerated)

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