
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Laptop Woes *Update*

So... picked up laptop Friday, and it still wasn't fixed so off it goes to get fixed.
I remained calm because it WILL get fixed eventually, and the kind staff on the receiving end have no control over the repair team. I was still crying inside though.

I'm still able to use the computer at work, but with limited functionality. I know there are areas on my blog that are beyond out-of-date and need tweaking. I'll address those as soon as I have my laptop back.

In the meantime, this of course means I still can't address my backlog of beer reviews which continues to grow. Meh. My muse is never at rest so it will all work out.

This whole fiasco has also made up my mind to get one of those little mini-me laptops next year so that should my laptop ever go on the fritz again, I am not left completely high and dry.

still crying inside, but it is what it is...

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