
Friday, September 23, 2011

Eclipse ~ Northampton Brewery

Appearance: polished mahogany and garnet. Off-white head remains full and puffy while swirling with some more fluff and puff.

Nose: black strap molasses. Peat and burning wood. Black cherries, plums, and grapes of the red and black variety. Fir trees and brush, ferns. Key lime zest. Pumpernickel crunchies and apple crisps/chips.

Palate: clean, crisp, and of medium weight. Plum and grape sweetness lingers longest while the lips and sides of mouth are dry with plum and grape skins, fir trees, and bark. Burnt molasses and toffee. Generic green forestry and dark leathery peaty tannins come last and linger longest. Rye spice. Mandarins and blood oranges in the middle, skins included of course. Roots.

Final Thoughts: yummy! Of my flight of four, Eclipse was the easy winner and I was lucky enough to grab one more glass during vacation before this limited offering was gone. 

(an original written work by Kristyn Lier. plagiarism is not tolerated)

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