
Friday, July 08, 2011

BEERflections ~ Ovila Dubbel Tapping @ Hurricane VB

Having become quite comfortable in my new work place, Hurricane Grill & Wings VB, it was time to stretch my beery wings and set sail upon foamy seas once more. Long before servitude, I patroned this wingly establishment in my signature cargo shorts, t-shirt, and flip-flops. Believing authenticity is found within the wearer, I once more found myself with a goodly amount of time for beer and so without further ado…

I’ve drinkumented many a Hurricane beery bonanza but it’s been a long hard draught since the last. With a bold step forward, “Tap That Keg” Friday was born by taking an old idea and jump-starting it with flair and Howard’s blessing. Back in business, the challenge of attraction, consistency, ingenuity, and reliability are never far from this beer geek’s mind…or the mind of any other beer geek/hunter/aficionado/burgundian etc. And so we come to Friday night, 8pm, the day of June 10th, year 2011.

Location: Hurricane Grill & Wings VB.
Beer: Ovila Dubbel
Brewer: Sierra Nevada
Bounty: supertastic beer + $2 U Call It from 8pm – CL

Coincidence? I think not.

Joining yours beerly was her Love, our youngest Preston, and family friend, Caitlin. Momentarily lost at the bar, I quickly found my way back to family and friends. Brief communication burp out of the way, I soaked in the bustling Hurricane crew equally matched by my bustling peeps and peepettes.

Facebook and Hotmail, Kristyn thanks you.

Ovila Dubbel in hand, I slowly perused its flavorful story. A years in the making collaboration between Sierra Nevada and Ovila Abbey, the goodly folks in the valley of Chico have embraced our brothers of the cloth with open arms and mash rake at the ready. Surely the blessings of a higher power are to be found in beer for with each savory sip, humble inspiration struck in a chorus of plums, raisins, purple and black grapes, nutmeg, melba, and love. As the evening evolved through cameras flashing and hugs warming, many an Ovila Dubbel flowed into my glass and others.

Thirst and hunger are inseparable and so while filling our soul with beer we also filled our bellies with the always soft, never hard, blue cheese jalapeno queso dip. Normally just the intro to our feast (wings, burgers, salads ohmy!), kettle chips dipped deep into its bluesy cheesy spicy depths proved to be all we needed as the sun dipped into blackness. Moon up above, the dance of empty hands and brimming beer glasses continued the merry night through.

Just as the family and I were about to bid adieu, my dearly near friends Mike and Paula reminded me of a certain special obligation. What could that be?
 . . .
A bottle of 2009 Old Stock Cellar Reserve Bourbon Barrel brewed by North Coast out of Fort Brag, California.

You see, for pretty much any BEERvent I patron, along comes a bottle of something special. What it is nobody knows, not even me sometimes until the last minute, and I’m doing the bringing. A multitude of pours and tastes later, the bottle stood elegantly empty amidst curious glances and appreciative study. Much was savored and for that, my work was done for another tastebud conquered is another horizon expanded.

Even as we left we were welcome, a momentous state of being that Hurricane Grill & Wings of Vero Beach has achieved above all other samely named franchises. To the first of many Tap that Keg Friday’s – Slainte!

(an original written work by Kristyn Lier. plagiarism is not tolerated)

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